First-time College Students成人学生

A decision the whole family


世纪挑战集团在中国名列前茅 前25名 U.S. 社区学院

你能相信吗?? Your son or daughter is heading to college. If you’re like most parents, you’re going through a range of emotions right now, and you probably have a lot of questions. 我们明白了, and we’re here to support you and your college bound student navigate the process – from your initial visit to applying for financial aid. 但首先, we want to tell you a little about MCC – and show you why it may be the right choice for your student. 

10 reasons to say yes to MCC.

There’s a lot that goes into an MCC education

  • 1巨大的价值.

    An MCC education has one of the 最低学费 在整个纽约州立大学系统中.

  • 2最好的教授.

    MCC is enormously proud of the outstanding faculty and staff who have received 155 SUNY Chancellor’s Awards recognizing excellence in teaching, 教师服务, 专业的服务, 图书馆事业, 分类服务, 奖学金, 创意活动. 


    And that means if your student chooses to continue on, transferring credits will be a breeze.


    是的,100 +. And if your student is undecided, we’ll help them find a path.

    Some of Rochester’s most in-demand career fields:


    1. 技术
    2. 业务/会计
    3. 卫生保健
    4. 教学


    Explore more in-demand careers with MCC 职业教练

  • 5著名的教育.

    MCC has been recognized as one of the top 社区学院 in the country.

  • 6安全第一.

    我们的 公共安全 officers are committed to the safety of our students 24/7, 365.

  • 7名字重于数字.

    MCC是15.5:1 student-to-faculty ratio which means your student will reap the benefits of more in-depth opportunities to engage in the learning process. 根据U.S. News and World Report, classes with few than 20 students outperform those with more than 50. 

  • 8活到老学到老.

    Only 28% of 社区学院 in this country offer 校园房屋  世纪挑战集团就是其中之一. We also offer a 12-month housing option for those students who need year-round living accommodations.

  • 9荣誉学院.

    We’re one of only a few 社区学院 to offer an 荣誉项目 for academically talented and highly motivated students.


    我们的 第一年的经验 (FYE) program will help your student get off on the right foot.


As much as 80% savings by completing first two years at MCC

44 +百万美元

Annual financial aid: $44+ million

Many high schools offer college prep nights

We’ve found that a lot of parents have similar questions about MCC, so here are the answers to some of the questions we hear the most.


世纪挑战集团的2023-24年度 学费 for New York state residents studying full-time is $4,900. To put that in perspective:

Average 2022-23 academic year cost:

$39,000: Four-year private college or university
$10,940: Four-year public college or university (in-state)

(来源: 大学委员会)



世纪挑战集团学费和杂费 are some of the lowest in the state. And to help you out, our Financial 援助 Office can help you navigate the pathways of applying for 各种类型的援助. 我们甚至还主持 Financial Planning Workshops to help you and your student with all of the paperwork. Also, we encourage you to check out 纽约州立大学的成本计算器 to learn more about the value of attending MCC.


We know there’s a lot to consider when helping your son or daughter prepare for college. In addition to talking to his or her school counselor, we encourage you to check out some of the helpful parent checklists and reading materials listed below.


A campus tour can make or break a student's decision to attend

You wouldn’t buy a house without seeing it first. Choosing a college should be no different. We encourage you to bring your whole family to campus, 问问题, 参观我们的设施, 与教授交谈, and meet with our 招生 team. In other words, come visit and experience MCC with your son or daughter first-hand. 今天就报名参观吧 布莱顿校区, the Downtown Campus or both, and RSVP for our next open house or info session. While you’re here, we’ll walk you through it all – including finding and applying for financial aid and 奖学金s.



87% of MCC career program graduates with full-time jobs stay in the Rochester region.

4,000+ employers have hired MCC graduates


We know it’s important to you that your son or daughter experiences success after MCC. Whether he or she will be continuing on to a four-year school or starting a career, 世纪挑战集团的就业服务 office will help prepare your student for what’s next.

As an MCC graduate, your son or daughter will have access to our 校友网络 – a great resource to help get his or her foot in the door. And support doesn’t stop when a student walks across the stage. Neither do the possibilities. Because once a Tribune, always a Tribune.

Like we said, seeing is believing – so check out where MCC has led 我们的一些校友